Report to:

East Sussex Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC)


Date of meeting:


22 September 2022


Assistant Chief Executive



Work Programme



To agree the Committee’s work programme


The Committee is recommended to agree the updated work programme at appendix 1


1          Background

1.1       The work programme contains the proposed agenda items for future HOSC meetings and is included on the agenda for review at each committee meeting.

1.2     This report also provides an update on any other work going on outside the Committee’s main meetings.

2.    Supporting information

2.1.        The work programme is attached as appendix 1 to this report. It contains the proposed agenda items for the upcoming HOSC meetings, as well as other HOSC work going on outside of the formal meetings.

2.2.        The Committee is asked to consider any future reports or other work items that it wishes to add to the work programme.

2.3.        The Committee is also asked to consider whether to schedule any of the items listed under “Items to be Scheduled” section of the work programme for future meetings to be held later in the municipal year.

Cardiology and ophthalmology update

2.4.        Following detailed reviews of the proposals to reconfigure cardiology and ophthalmology, the HOSC submitted its reports and recommendations to NHS Sussex at its meeting on 30th June.

2.5.        NHS Sussex began the process of finalising its Decision Making Business Cases (DMBC) over the summer period with the intention of returning to the HOSC on 22nd September with its final decisions.

2.6.        During the DMBC process, however, it was determined there was a need to make some changes to the required capital costs as they were set out in the original Pre-Consultation Business Cases (PCBC). This required further review.

2.7.        NHS Sussex has now completed the due diligence checks and governance steps required and is working to a timeframe that should enable the commissioning organisation to submit the outcome of its decision to HOSC at its 15th December meeting.

3          Conclusion and reasons for recommendations

3.1       The work programme sets out HOSC’s work both during formal meetings and outside of them. The committee is asked to consider and agree the updated work programme.


Assistant Chief Executive

Contact Officer: Harvey Winder, Scrutiny and Policy Officer
Tel. No. 01273 481796